The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) released the data about the performance in Cyprus banking sector in August 2020. Total deposits rose in this period, with the outstanding amount reaching €47.9 billion. This is compared with a net increase of €105,6 million in July 2020. On an annual basis, the deposits remained unchanged, compared with an annual reduction of 0.9 per cent in July 2020. There was a net decrease of €60.7 million of total loans in August 2020, compared with a net increase of €66.9 million in July 2020, with the outstanding amount reaching 31.8 billion. The annual growth rate in August amounted to -4,4%, compared with -3,7% in July 2020. According to the Central Bank of Cyprus, the suspension of instalments which was related to loans from MFIs to households and non-financial corporations amounting to €10.4 billion, had an upward impact on the above changes in loans.